Scholarship Program

Part of the church's mission is to help our young people prepare for a day when life will be better. One way of doing this is through the Scholarship Program.
Bishop John and Late Patience Nuwagaba began this good work several years ago aiming at giving girls some education by helping in paying their school fees. The program gives those from very poor homes and especially orphans and girls, the chance of an education to at least O-level standard.
This program is coordinated by Rev. Marvin and Mrs. Sue Bamforth. They are assisted by Mr. Orishaba Emmanuel who sits at the scholarship desk at the Diocesan Office.
Rev Canon Marvin and his wife Mrs Sue Bamforth have made very many contacts during their lives and they have lived and worked in several countries around the world. Very many of those contacts are now supporters of the DIOCESE OF KINKIIZI SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Canon Marvin (and sometimes Sue) makes an annual visit to Kinkiizi to visit the schools in which the S.P. operates, to meet and encourage sponsored students and school staff members, and to keep in touch with the program at what in England we call ‘the coal face’. There is a Diocesan SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (which is in effect the Board of Trustees – overseeing the whole program) – this committee considers all applications made by students for support and decides who is supported each year in line with the usual constraints of the S.P.
Since the birth of this program, over 1000 (one thousand) sponsored children/students both in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary/Universities have benefitted. At first, three schools of - Bishops Primary, Kinkiizi High and Nyakabungo Girls were part of this program. The program was later spread all over Church Founded Secondary schools and Tertiary institutions in the Diocese. (Including Uganda Nursing School Bwindi.
We thank individuals and group Donors for supporting the Diocese in its ministry of helping those least able to help themselves.